Presentations and Webinars


Characterizing Engineering Properties of Foundry Sands

Craig H. Benson, PhD, PE, DGE

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Coal Combustion Products in Geotechnical Applications

Tuncer B. Edil, PhD, PE, DGE

Professor and Research Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Foundry Byproducts as Sustainable Geotechnical Construction Materials

Craig H. Benson, PhD, PE, DGE

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Environmental Assessment of Foundry Byproducts for Unbound Highway Applications

Craig H. Benson, PhD, PE, DGE

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Foundry Sands as Structural Fill for Embankments and Retaining Walls

Craig H. Benson, PhD, PE, DGE

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Foundry Sand in Infrastructure Applications

How to Use Recycled Foundry Sand in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)

Hussain U. Bahia

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications

Jeffrey S. Melton, PhD

Outreach Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Materials in Geotechnical Applications

Craig Benson, PhD, PE, DGE

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Director of Sustainability Research and Education, Office of Sustainability

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sustainable Geotechnical Construction with Recycled Materials

Craig H. Benson, PhD, PE, DGE

Wisconsin Distinguished Professor

Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Unbound Pavement Applications of Excess Foundry System Sands: Subbase/Base Material

Tuncer B. Edil, PhD, PE, DGE

Professor and Research Director, RMRC

University of Wisconsin-Madison



2013 Peck Lecture – Liquefaction Effects on Structures

Jonathan D. Bray, P.E., University of California, Berkely, delivers the 2013 “Liquefaction Effects on Structures” lecture at the 2013 Peck Lecture at Geo-Congress in San Diego, CA. His research focuses on estimating liquefaction effects, such as induced building movements. Bray discusses the 1999 earthquake in Kocaeli, Turkey and the 2010-2011 earthquakes in Canterbury, New Zealand.

2013 H. Bolton Seed Lecture – Slope Stability Computations

The 2013 H. Bolton Seed Lecture is presented by Stephen G. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, Brunswick-Abernathy Regents Professor Emeritus in Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. The lecture is presented annually by the recipient of the H. Bolton Seed Medal for outstanding contributions to teaching, research, or practice in geotechnical engineering. In his presentation, Wright discusses four real-world example slopes whose analysis included difficult calculations. He also discusses three popular slope stability calculation software programs: SLOPE/W, SLIDE 6, and UTEXAS.

2013 Karl Terzaghi Lecture – Improving Dam Safety with Lessons Learned from Case Histories of Dam Failures and Observed Dam Performance.

The 2013 Karl Terzaghi Lecture is presented by Alfred J.”Skip” Hendron, Jr., Ph.D., NAE, M.ASCE, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During his career, Dr. Hendron has amassed significant experience in the design and evaluation of major dams for hydroelectric and reclamation projects. In this lecture, Hendron discuses the technical design aspects of design safety, most frequent causes of failure, and a variety of examples of failure.

2013 Ralph B. Peck Lecture – Bentonite Barriers for Geoenvironmental Containment: Lessons Learned from Full-Scale Applications

This Ralph B. Peck Lecture is presented by Craig H. Benson, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE., NAE, F.ASCE at the Geo-Institute’s 2012 Geo-Congress, Oakland, CA. The Ralph B. Peck Lecture is delivered annually by a geotechnical engineer selected for outstanding contributions to the profession through the analysis and publication of case histories. In his lecture, Dr. Benson discusses the use and benefits of bentonite materials in geosynthetic clay liners (GCL). His talk also includes a case history of Wisconsin GCLs and  failures that occurred during large-scale GLC applications.

Monismith Lecture 2013 – Flexible Pavement Analysis and Design: A Half Century Achievement

The Monismith Lecture: “Flexible Pavement Analysis and Design – A Half Century of Achievement,” was given by Carl Monismith, P.E., NAE, Hon.M.ASCE during the Geo-Institute’s 2012 Geo-Congress in Oakland, CA. The Geo-Institute of ASCE’s Monismith lecture honors personal contributions to pavement engineering. In his presentation, Dr. Monismith discusses pavement engineering developments prior to 1960, pavement materials characterization, M-E pavement design methodologies, and accelerated pavement testing. He also includes his observations on education and training in Pavement Engineering.

2012 H. Bolton Seed Medal Lecture – Some Observations on the Mechanics of Liquefaction and Volume Changes of Sands Under Seismic Loading

This H. Bolton Seed Lecture is delivered by Geoffrey Robert Martin, Ph.D., M.ASCE., University of Southern California. Dr. Martin, a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at USC, currently focuses his bridge research on liquefaction-related ground stability studies and the seismic design of pile foundations. In this presentation, Dr. Martin discusses his observations on a variety effects of earthquake-induced liquefaction.

October 16, 2012, Webinar – Recycled Materials in Transportation Projects

Watch Craig Benson and Barrie Cogburn’s presentation in the Sustainable Materials Management Webinar Series. Topic: the use of recycled rubber, construction demolition waste, compost and other recycled materias in Highway Project

Dr. Tuncer Edil of RMRC Webinar

March 3rd, 2008 – Dr. Edil speaks on his conclusions about the safety of artificial fills. He discusses the variable properties and possible uses for different fills.