RMRC and various governmental agencies have developed fact sheets on various recycled materials and industrial byproducts for their use in highway construction applications. However, these fact sheets often lack direct information on sustainability assessment characteristics, i.e., greenhouse emissions, energy and water consumption, and life-cycle cost benefits. Although state transportation departments have been at the forefront of introducing recycled materials, they have not been able to clearly convey the benefits in a quantitative and transparent manner using easily understood metrics.
The first objective of this study is to develop/update fact sheets on various recycled materials and industrial byproducts that are being used in highway construction. New information generated in recent years relative to their engineering properties and environmental impact questions will be added as well as relevant life cycle assessment data. The second objective of this study is to develop a tool by which the state system-wide material use quantities can be used to calculate the life cycle benefits associated with the incorporation of recycled materials and industrial byproducts to highway pavement construction.
For more information:
Preliminary report for GeoChicago 2016 Conference: GeoChi Statewide
TRB Report: Life Cycle Benefits of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction TRB
Project Summary: Summary