Effect of Freeze and Thaw Cycling on Soils Stabilized using Fly Ash

The objective of this research was to study how the resilient modulus and unconfined compressive strength of soils stabilized with fly ash change after freeze-thaw cycling.  To reach this objective, resilient modulus and unconfined compression tests were conducted on a range of fly ash stabilized materials after freeze-thaw cycling (0, 1, 3, 5, 10, and 12 cycles).  The stabilized materials tested included fine-grained soil, coarse-grained soil, and recycled pavement material.  Five different flyashes were used [Columbia and Riverside 7 (classified as Class C); Dewey, King and Riverside 8 (classified as off-specification)] at different percentages (10%, 12%,14% and 20%) and at three different water contents (7% wet of optimum, optimum,and at field water content).  Tests were also conducted on soil alone (0% fly ash)without freeze-thaw cycling to define the reference condition.

The full thesis may be found in the following files:

Maria Rosa Master Abstract 2007Maria Rosa Master Thesis 2007