FGD Scrubber Material - Material Description


The burning of coal produces sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas. The 1990 Clean Air Act and subsequent amendments regulate SO2 emissions from burning coal. Coal fired power plants installed flue gas desulfurization (FGD) technology for reducing SO2 emissions. The two most common scrubber technology used today are wet or dry systems. Wet FGD systems introduce a spray of alkaline sorbent consisting of lime or limestone (primarily limestone) into the exhaust gas. The alkali reacts with the SO2 gas to form calcium sulfite (CaSO3) or calcium sulfate (CaSO4) that is collected in a liquid slurry form. The calcium sulfite or sulfate is allowed to settle out and the majority of the water is recycled. The settled material called FGD scrubber material or scrubber sludge is an off-white slurry with a solids content in the range of 5 to 10 percent. Because coal fired power plants typically have both a FGD systems and a fly ash removal system, fly ash is sometimes incorporated into the FGD material.

Dry FGD systems use less water than wet systems and produce a dry by-product. The most common dry FGD system sprays slaked lime slurry into the flue gas. The main product of dry FGD systems is calcium sulfite with minor amounts of calcium sulfate.

Although made up of many technologies, approximately 85 percent of the FGD systems in the United States are categorized as wet systems, with the remaining 15 percent being considered dry systems.(1) The major difference in the FGD material produced from these two systems is the relative proportion of calcium sulfite and calcium sulfate. Calcium sulfite to sulfate proportion affects physical properties of FGD material, and with the many available FGD technologies there is a large variability in the characteristics of FGD material.(2)

Depending on the type of process and sorbent used, 20 to 90 percent of the available sulfur can be calcium sulfite with the remaining portion being calcium sulfate. FGD material with high concentrations of sulfite pose dewatering problem. Sulfite sludges settle and filter poorly and are thixotropic (a thixotropic material appears as a solid, but will liquefy when vibrated or agitated). High sulfite FGD material is generally not suitable for either use or disposal without treatment. Treatment can include forced oxidation, dewatering, and/or fixation or stabilization.

In a wet FGD system, natural oxidation occurs when only the oxygen in the flue gas is available to react. This method primarily produces calcium sulfite. Forced oxidation in a wet FGD system supplies additional oxygen through blowers that produces calcium sulfate, generally in the form of gypsum (CaSO4×H20). Forced oxidation is becoming increasingly popular due to the economic applications of gypsum, primarily in wallboard production.(3) Calcium sulfate grows to a larger crystal size than calcium sulfite. As a result, calcium sulfate can be more readily filtered or dewatered to a stable material than can calcium sulfite sludge.(4) Centrifuges or belt filter presses are typically used to dewater FGD scrubber material.

Fixation and stabilization are terms that are often used interchangeably when referring to FGD sludge treatment. In general, stabilization of FGD scrubber material refers to the addition of dry material, such as fly ash, to the dewatered FGD filter cake. The FGD-dry material mixture is stabilized to the point that the material can be handled and transported by conventional construction equipment without water seepage. In addition, the mixture of FGD and dry material should be stable enough to support compaction machinery. Fly ash to filter cake ratios should be 1:1 to allow for transportation and handling, although a dryer 2:1 ratio can be requested.(5)

Fixation ordinarily refers to the addition of chemical reagent(s) to solidified stabilized FGD scrubber material to sufficient strength to satisfy structural specifications. This can involve the addition of Portland cement, lime, or self-cementing fly ash to induce both physical and chemical reactions between the stabilized sludge filter cake and the reagents. Typically fixation is accomplished by adding quicklime and pozzolanic fly ash. Figure 1 presents an illustration of FGD processing, reuse, or disposal options.

Figure 1. FGD sludge processing system.(6)

Additional information on coal ash production and use in the United States can be obtained from:

American Coal Ash Association (ACAA)
15200 E. Girard Ave., Ste. 3050
Aurora, CO 80014-3955

Coal Combustion Products Partnership (C2P2)
Office of Solid Waste (5305P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
3412 Hillview Road
Palo Alto, California 94304

Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004-2696

Green Highways Partnership

AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence
444 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 249
Washington, D.C., 20001




In 2006, FGD scrubber systems at coal-fired power plants generated approximately 27.4 million metric tons (30.2 million tons) of material, or 24.2 percent of all coal combustion products.(7) Due to an expected increase in scrubbing applications, the amount of FGD produced is expected to grow during the next few decades.(2)

Approximately 30 percent of the FGD material produced in 2006 was beneficially used.(7) Fixated or stabilized calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material has been used as an embankment and road base material. FGD products have also been used in place of gypsum, as feed material for the production of Portland cement. In addition, FGD material has been used in flowable fill in mine reclamation and in aerated concrete blocks. Oxidized FGD scrubber material (calcium sulfate high in gypsum content) is used in the manufacturing of wallboard.(3) For use as wallboard gypsum, oxidized FGD scrubber material only requires drying to a specified solids content and does not require fixation or stabilization. Wallboard production represents the largest single market for FGD scrubber material.(7)

Use of FGD material has increased over the past decade because FGD material is being used as a source of gypsum for wallboard and Portland cement production. There was a 5 percent increase in the utilization of FGD material between 2005 and 2006, representing an additional 453,000 metric tons (500,000 tons) of material.(7) Figure 2 illustrates common applications of FGD material.

Figure 2. FGD applications as a percentage of total FGD material used in 2006.(7)


When FGD material cannot be used economically, the by-product is stored in surface impoundments and then landfilled. Stabilization or fixation and placement in landfills is the most common method of disposal.

State Regulations and Specifications

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has delegated responsibility to the states to ensure that coal combustion by-products are properly used. Each state, therefore, has individual specifications and environmental regulations. A map from the National Energy Technology Laboratory that links to a database of state regulations on the utilization and disposal of coal combustion by-products can be found here.

The state regulations database contains summary information on current regulations in each state and contact information for individuals with regulatory responsibility. A site maintained by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) contains a searchable library for all highway specifications across the country. This can be found here.


Fixated FGD scrubber material is generated, dewatered, and stabilized at coal-burning power plants that require scrubbing of flue gas to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. Plants that require scrubbing typically burn either medium- or high-sulfur coal. For FGD scrubber sludge to be a useable construction material, the sludge must first be dewatered and then stabilized or fixated. Even for landfilling, scrubber sludge must be dewatered and stabilized to allow for transport, placement, and compaction.

Fixated or stabilized calcium sulfite FGD sludge can have a solids content from 55 to 80 percent, depending on the amount of added fly ash. The resultant fixated FGD sludge product is a damp, gray, silty, compactable material capable of developing sufficient compressive strength to support construction equipment.(8)

The majority of coal-fired power plants that are equipped with FGD scrubber systems, dewater and stabilize FGD scrubber sludge for beneficial use or landfilling. Dewatering and stabilization is typically done by the utility company, while loading, transporting, and placement of stabilized or fixated FGD scrubber material is typically done by an ash management contractor. Stabilized or fixated FGD scrubber material can be obtained from either a power plant having FGD scrubbers or an ash management contractor. Most coal-burning electric utility companies currently employ an ash management specialist whose responsibility is to monitor ash generation, quality, use, or disposal, and to interface with ash marketers. To identify an FGD material source, contact the local utility company or visit the American Coal Ash Association's web site at the link provided above.


Stabilized Base

Stabilized or fixated FGD scrubber material is used for road base construction around the country, for example in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.(9;10;11;12) Stabilization or fixation of FGD scrubber material (especially calcium sulfite sludge) is accomplished with the addition of quicklime and pozzolanic fly ash, Portland cement, or self-cementing fly ash. Other activators may be used in place of quicklime. FGD scrubber sludge is dewatered before the addition of stabilization or fixation reagents. Additional fixation reagents, above the amount added for stabilizing for landfilling, may be needed for stabilized base construction in order to meet compressive strength or durability requirements.

Flowable Fill

Flowable fill is a slurry mixture consisting of sand or other fine aggregate material and a cementitious binder that is normally used as substitute for a compacted earth backfill. FGD may be used as a fine aggregate in flowable fill.


FGD material can be used for embankment construction and reconstruction of failed slopes(13). As an embankment or fill material, stabilized FGD material is used as a substitute for natural soils. Stabilized compacted FGD material have a high shear strength to unit weight ratio, hence embankments constructed of these materials have higher slope stability factors, steeper permissible slopes, and result in reduced settlement of underlying soils as compared to fills with natural soils. (13)

In Pennsylvania in 1989 FGD material reclaimed from a landfill was used in conjunction with fly ash in an embankment project. Other than fly ash, no additional reagents were needed to develop adequate strength for the embankment construction.(14) In 1996, Ohio State Route 83 was repaired by constructing a high-strength FGD wall through the failure plane of a rotational slide to prevent further slippage of a highway embankment. The FGD material used in this application developed sufficient strength and was easy to install.(15)


Physical Properties

Dewatered and fixated calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material can be used for transportation applications, while the calcium sulfate FGD scrubber material is frequently used for wallboard or as a cement additive. Calcium sulfate FGD scrubber material can also be used in transportation applications. Table 1 shows the difference in particle size between calcium sulfite and calcium sulfate FGD scrubber material.(16) The calcium sulfite material (unoxidized) is finer with a higher specific gravity than the calcium sulfate material (oxidized). The specific gravity of both calcium sulfite and sulfate is less than natural soil, which is approximately 2.7. Calcium sulfite rich FGD material can be expected to have a specific gravity of approximately 2.57, where calcium sulfate rich FGD material is expected to have a lower specific gravity of approximately 2.36.(16)

Table 1. Typical grain size properties of FGD scrubber material.(16)


Calcium Sulfite (Unoxidized)

Calcium Sulfite (Oxidized)

Particle Sizing



Sand Size Silt Size Clay Size

1.3 90.2 8.5

16.5 81.3 2.2

The degree to which wet FGD scrubber material is treated (i.e. dewatered, stabilized, and fixated) influences the physical properties. Table 2 shows the physical characteristics of typical calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material in a dewatered, physically stabilized, and fixated condition. Basic physical properties include solids content, moisture content, and wet and dry unit weight.(17) Dewatered calcium sulfite FGD sludges are a soft filter cake with a solids content typically in the range of 40 to 65 percent. Calcium sulfate FGD sludges can be dewatered more easily than sulfite sludges and may achieve solids contents as high as 70 to 75 percent.(18)

Table 2. Physical characteristics of typical calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material.(16;17)

Physical Property




Solids Content (%)

40 - 65

55 - 80

60 - 80

Wet Unit Weight (kN/m3) (lb/ft3)

14.9 - 15.7 (95 - 100)

14.1 - 17.3 (90 - 110)

14.1 - 18.1 (90 - 115)

Dry Unit Weight (kN/m3) (lb/ft3)

9.4 - 10.2 (60 - 65)

9.4 - 13.3 (60 - 85)

12.6 - 15.7 (80 - 100)

Dewatered and unstabilized calcium sulfite FGD scrubber sludge consists of fine silt-clay sized particles with approximately 50 percent finer than 0.045 mm (No. 325 sieve). This material has a dry unit weight in the range of 9.43 to 12.58 kN/m3 (60 to 80 lbs/ft3), with a specific gravity in the range of 2.4.(17)

Depending on the amount of fly ash in a stabilized blend, maximum dry unit weight values of fixated FGD scrubber material can range from 10.4 to 12.4 kN/m3 (66 to 79 lb/ft3) at optimum moisture contents ranging from 27 to 37 percent when tested using the standard Proctor (ASTM D698)(19)test method.(5) Higher proportions of fly ash yield a higher maximum density.(5)

For most dry FGD systems, the FGD by-product is a fine material of uniform consistency with between 56 and 90 percent of the particles having a diameter smaller than 0.025 mm.(20) Grain size uniformity coefficients are in the range of 1.8 to 2.4 which represents a uniform particle size. The specific surface area, ranging from 1.28 to 9.49 m2 g-1, indicates a nonporous material.(20) Swell tests conducted according to Method A of ASTM D4546(21) on dry FGD samples showed a high degree of variability in swelling, in the range of 0 to 60 percent. Swelling observed over time indicates two distinct swelling episodes. The first episode occurs immediately after the introduction of water and produces a 0 to 14 percent volume change. The second episode typically begins 10 to 50 days after the introduction of water and accounts for the remaining swell.(2)

Chemical Properties

Chemically, FGD material is dominated by Ca, S, Al, Fe, and Si and accompanied by minor elements (i.e., As, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, P, Se, and Sr). Unlike fly ashes or bottom ashes, neither the parent coal nor the boiler conditions have a significant effect on the physical or chemical properties of the FGD byproducts. Instead, the characteristics of the FGD byproducts are strongly controlled by the type of reagent used, the operating temperature, pressure, and degree of oxidation within the scrubbing unit and the amount of water used to distribute the reagent through the flue gas.(22) Tables 3 and 4 outline the major and minor element concentrations in typical dry FGD products.

Table 3. Range of average concentration of major elements in dry FGD material (g/kg).(20)


122 - 312


41 - 126


13 - 74


1 - 9


25 - 139


6 - 92


2 - 110

Table 4. Range of average concentration of minor elements in dry FGD material (mg/kg).(20)


44.1 - 186


8.6 - 25.5


145 - 418


29.0 - 80.6


1.6 - 15.1


220 - 601


1.7 - 4.9


11.3 - 59.2


8.9 - 45.6


3.6 - 15.2


16.9 - 76.6


308 - 565


30.8 - 251


20.1 - 122


11.4 - 84.7


108 - 208


127 - 207

Lime and limestone are used as a reagent in 90 percent of FGD systems in the United States.(3) Table 5 lists the major components of FGD scrubber material prior to fixation for different sorbent materials and natural or forced oxidation processes.(16) Except for FGD material subjected to forced oxidation, sludges from the scrubbing of bituminous coals are generally sulfite-rich, whereas forced oxidation sludges, and sludges generated from scrubbing of subbituminous and lignite coals, are sulfate-rich. Fly ash is a principal constituent of FGD scrubber material only if the scrubber serves as a particulate control device in addition to SO2 removal or if separately collected fly ash is mixed with the sludge.(16)

As shown in Table 5, the use of limestone as a sorbent with bituminous coals results in significantly lower percentages of calcium sulfite and higher percentages of calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) than the use of lime as a sorbent with bituminous coals.

Table 5. Major components of FGD scrubber material from different coal types and scrubbing processes (percent by weight).

Type of Process

Type of Coal

Sulfur Content




Fly Ash

Lime (Natural Oxidation)


2.9 - 4.0

50 - 94

2 - 6

0 - 3

4 - 41

Lime (Forced Oxidation)


2.0 - 3.0

0 - 3

52 - 65

2 - 5

30 - 40

Limestone (Natural Oxidation)



19 - 23

15 - 32

4 - 42

20 - 43

Limestone (Natural Oxidation)


0.5 - 1.0

0 - 20

10 - 30

20 - 40

20 - 60

Dual Alkali (Ca-Na) (Natural Oxidation)


1.0 - 4.0

65 - 90

5 - 25

2 - 10


Fly Ash (Class C) (Natural Oxidation)



0 - 5

5 - 20


40 - 70

The primary mineral phases of fixated FGD include hannebachite (CaSO3×0.5 H2O), mullite (Al6Si2O13), quartz (SiO2), hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), glass, and ettringite [Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12× 26H2O].(23)

The pH of dry FGD products is highly alkaline (9.9 to 12.6) and is primarily affected by the sorbent. The high pH values are due to the presence of oxides and hydroxides of Ca and Mg which convert to carbonates when exposed to water and CO2. This results in a decrease in pH over time.(20)

Mechanical Properties

Mechanical properties of FGD material are listed in Table 6 including: shear strength, unconfined compressive strength, and hydraulic conductivity. The expected range of these mechanical properties is presented for dewatered, stabilized, and fixated calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material.

Table 6. Mechanical properties of calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material. (8;16;12);24;25)

Mechanical Property




Internal Friction Angle


35° – 45°

35° – 45°

28-Day Unconfined Compressive Strength (kPa) (psi)

- -

170 – 340 (25 – 50)

340 – 1380 (50 – 200)

90-Day Unconfined Compressive Strength (kPa) (psi)

- -

- -

980 – 4600 (142 – 667)

Hydraulic conductivity (cm/sec)

10-4 to 10-5

10-6 to 10-7

10-6 to 10-8

Dewatered unstabilized calcium sulfite FGD scrubber sludge is a pastelike material with low shear strength and little bearing capacity. This material is thixotropic and reverts to a liquid or slurry form when agitated. In a Dewatered unstabilized form, this material has no unconfined compressive strength, an angle of internal friction approximately 20°, and a hydraulic conductivity in the range of 10-4 to 10-5 cm/sec.(12)

Stabilized or fixated calcium sulfite FGD scrubber material has 28-day unconfined compressive strength in the range of 170 to 1380 kPa (25 to 200 lb/in2lb/in2), 90-day unconfined compressive strength in the range of 990 to 4600 kPa (142 lb/in2 to 573 lb/in2), an angle of internal friction of 35° to 45°, and a hydraulic conductivity in the range of 10-6 to 10-8 cm/sec.(8;24;25)

When stabilized or fixated FGD scrubber sludge is used for road base construction, the unconfined compressive strength is typically in the range of 1720 to 6900 kPa (250 to 1000 lb/in2) and can be adjusted to meet specifications by adjusting the amount of reagent in a blend. The flexural strength of stabilized FGD sludge road base materials is normally in the 690 to 1720 kPa (100 to 250 lb/in2) range.(24) To achieve these strength ranges, fixation reagents such as Portland cement, lime, or fly ash are typically required.

FGD gypsum (calcium sulfate) is most commonly used in wallboard production, although laboratory data indicates that stabilized FGD gypsum mixtures should perform satisfactorily in transportation applications. Unstabilized dewatered FGD gypsum can have a 28-day unconfined compressive strength of between 213 to 358 kPa (31 to 52 lb/in2).(26) Cement stabilized gypsum has been shown to develop 7-day unconfined compressive strength between 1400 to 4600 kPa (200 to 670 lb/in2) depending on cement content and compaction effort.(27)

Resilient modulus tests conducted on mixtures of FGD gypsum stabilized with 6 and 8 percent Type II cement, at a bulk stress of 590 kPa (86 psi), had a resilient modulus of 3,800,000 kPa (550,000 psi) for 6 percent Type II cement and 12,000,000 kPa (1,750,000 psi) for 8 percent Type II cement.(27) Comparing these results against typical base materials, on the basis of the resilient modulus data, stabilized FGD gypsum blends should perform as well as any other conventional base materials.(27)



One of the main limitations of present leach test methods is that these methods do not consider the material application. For example, use of coal combustion products in Wisconsin is regulated by Ch. NR 538 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. This regulation requires water leaching tests (WLT) of material in bulk form, but does not consider mixtures, such as FGD material in flowable fill. In addition, WTL does not necessarily model leachate produced in the field. The WLT indicates the potential for trace element release from bulk coal combustion products, but does not evaluate how a leachate will impact groundwater.(28)

Five widely used standard leaching tests are outlined in Table 7.

Table 7. Extraction conditions for different standard leaching tests.(28)

Test Procedure



Leaching Medium

Liquid-Solid Ratio

Particle Size

Time of Extraction

Water Leach Test

ASTM D3987-06

To provide a rapid means of obtaining an aqueous extract

Deionized water


Particulate or monolith as received

18 hr


EPA SW-846 Method 1311

To compare toxicity data with regulatory level. RCRA requirement.

Acetate buffer*


< 9.5 mm

18 hr

Extraction Procedure Toxicity (EP Tox)

EPA SW-846 Method 1310

To evaluate leachate concentrations. RCRA requirement.

0.04 M acetic acid (pH = 5.0)


< 9.5 mm

24 hr

Multiple Extraction Procedure

EPA SW-846 Method 1320

To evaluate waste leaching under acid condition

Same as EP Toxicity, then at pH = 3.0


< 9.5 mm

24 hr extraction per stage

Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPSL)

EPA SW-846 Method 1312

For waste exposed to acid rain

DI water, pH adjusted to 4.2 to 5


< 9.5 mm

18 hr

* Either an acetate buffered solution with pH = 5 or acetic acid with pH = 3.0

Leachate studies on dry FGD material show pH typically exceeds 11.0, and some sources can exceeded the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act limit of 12.5 for toxic waste, although this high leachate pH is expected to decrease over time.(20;29) Total dissolved solids mainly consist of Ca, SO42-, and SO32- and can exceed secondary drinking water standards for total dissolved solids (500 mg L-1) and sulfate (250 mg L-1).(20) Trace element concentrations in FGD leachate are generally low.(20)

One study investigated the potential of replacing clay with FGD in low permeability liners. This study used a lime-enriched, fixated FGD material on a full-scale design and evaluated the leaching potential over a 5½-year period. Maximum concentrations of elements measured during this time met all Ohio nontoxic criteria, and generally met all national primary and secondary drinking water standards. In addition, retention of As, B, Cr, Cu, and Zn was observed and likely due to constituent sorption to mineral components in the FGD material.(29)

The results of extraction procedure toxicity leachate tests indicate that fresh or stabilized FGD gypsum will meet EPA Leachate Standards.(27)


Models currently used to simulate leaching from pavement systems and potential impacts to groundwater include STUWMPP,(30) IMPACT,(31)HYDRUS-2D,(32)(33)(34) WiscLEACH,(35) and IWEM.(36) Among these models STUWMPP, IMPACT, WiscLEACH and IWEM are in the public domain. STUWMPP employs dilution–attenuation factors obtained from the seasonal soil compartment (SESOIL) model to relate leaching concentrations from soils and byproducts to concentrations in underlying groundwater. IMPACT was specifically developed to assess environmental impacts from highway construction. Two dimensional flow and solute transport are simulated by solving the advection dispersion reaction equation using the finite difference method.(35).

WiscLEACH combines three analytical solutions to the advection-dispersion-reaction equation to assess impacts to groundwater caused by leaching of trace elements from coal combustion products used in highway subgrade, subbase and base layers. WiscLEACH employs a user friendly interface and readily available input data along with an analytical solution to produce conservative estimates of groundwater impact.(35)

The U.S. EPA's Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM), although developed to evaluate impacts from landfills and stock piles, can help in determining whether ash leachate will negatively affect groundwater. IWEM inputs include site geology/hydrogeology, initial leachate concentration, metal parameters, and regional climate data. Given a length of time, the program will produce a leachate concentration at a control point (such as a pump or drinking well) that is a known distance from the source. In addition, Monte Carlo simulations can provide worst-case scenarios for situations where a parameter is unknown or unclear. In comparing IWEM to field lysimeter information, IWEM over predicted the leachate concentrations and could be considered conservative. Overall, however, IWEM performed satisfactorily in predicting groundwater and solute flow at points downstream from a source.(37) A byproducts module for IWEM will be offered by the EPA in the near future.

A source for information on assessing risk and protecting groundwater is the EPA's "Guide for Industrial Waste Management" (38) which can be found here.


A searchable version of the references used in this section is available here. A searchable bibliography of FGD scrubber material literature is available here.
  1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Air pollution control technology fact sheet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) - wet, spray dry, and dry scrubbers. Report nr EPA-452/F-03-034, U.S. EPA; Washington, DC: 2003.
  2. Bigham JM, Kost DA, Stehouwer RC, Beeghly JH, Fowler R, Traina SJ, Wolfe WE, Dick WA. Mineralogical and engineering characteristics of dry flue gas desulfurization products. Fuel 2005;84:1839-48.
  3. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Flue gas desulfurization by-products: Composition, storage, use, and health and environmental information. EPRI, Inc; Palo Alto, CA: 1999.
  4. Taha R, Saylak D. The use of flue gas desulfurization gypsum in civil engineering applications. In: Proceedings of utilization of waste materials in civil engineering construction. American Society of Civil Engineers; 1992.
  5. Butalia TS, Wolfe WE. Evaluation of permeability characteristics of FGD materials. Fuel 1999;78:149-52.
  6. Duvel WA, Afwood RA. FGD sludge disposal manual. Report nr FP-977, Research Project 786-1, Electric Power Research Institute; Palo Alto, CA: 1979.
  7. American Coal Ash Association (ACAA). 2006 coal combustion product (CCP) production and use. American Coal Ash Association; Aurora, CO, 2007.
  8. Smith CL. FGD sludge disposal consumes over eight million tons of fly ash yearly. In: Proceedings of the seventh international ash utilization symposium, Orlando, FL. Department of Energy; Washington, DC: 1985.
  9. Smith CL. First 100,000 tons of stabilized scrubber sludge in roadbase construction. In: Second international exhibition and conference for the power generation industries - POWER-GEN '89, New Orleans, LA. 1989.
  10. Smith CL. FGD sludge C coal ash road base: Seven years of performance. In: Proceedings of the 8th international coal and solid fuels utilization conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 1985.
  11. Amaya PJ, Booth EE, Collins RJ. Design and construction of roller compacted base courses containing stabilized coal combustion by-product materials. In: Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on management and use of coal combustion by-products. Electric Power Research Institute; Palo Alto, CA: 1997.
  12. Prusinski JR, Cleveland MW, Saylak D. Development and construction of road bases from flue gas desulfurization material blends. In: Proceedings of the eleventh international ash utilization symposium. CA: Electric Power Research Institute; Palo Alto, 1995.
  13. Butalia TS, Wolfe WE. Market opportunities for utilization of Ohio flue gas desulfurization (FGD) and other coal combustion products (CCPs). The Ohio State University; Columbus, OH: 2000.
  14. Brendel GF, Glogowski PE. Ash utilization in highways: Pennsylvania demonstration project. Report nr GS-6431. Electric Power Research Institute; Palo Alto, California:1989.
  15. Payette RM, Wolfe WE, Beeghly J. Use of clean coal combustion by-products in highway repairs. Fuel 1997;76:749-53.
  16. Smith CL. FGD waste engineering properties are controlled by disposal choice. In: Proceedings of conference on utilization of waste materials in civil engineering construction, New York, NY, American Society of Civil Engineers; 1992.
  17. Patton RW. Disposal and treatment of power plant wastes. Presented at the society of mining engineers fall meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 1983.
  18. Smith CL. 15 million tons of fly ash yearly in FGD sludge fixation. In: Proceedings of the tenth international ash utilization symposium. Electric Power Research Institute; Palo Alto, CA: 1993.
  19. ASTM D698-07e1 standard test methods for laboratory compaction characteristics of soil using standard effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)). In: Annual book of ASTM standards. ASTM; West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: 2007.
  20. Kost DA, Bigham JM, Stehouwer RC, Beeghly JH, Fowler R, Traina SJ, Wolfe WE, Dick WA. Chemical and physical properties of dry flue gas desulfurization products. Journal of Environmental Quality 2005;34:676.
  21. ASTM D4546-03 standard test methods for one-dimensional swell or settlement potential of cohesive soils. In: Annual book of ASTM standards. ASTM; West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: 2003.
  22. NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory. Commercial use of coal utilization by-products and technology trends. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy; Washington, DC: 2003.
  23. Laperche V, Bigham JM. Quantitative, chemical, and mineralogical characterization of flue gas desulfurization by-products. Journal of Environmental Quality 2002;31:979-88.
  24. Smith CL. Case histories in full scale utilization of fly ash - fixated FGD sludge. In: Proceedings of the ninth international ash utilization symposium. Electric Power Research Institute; Palo Alto, CA: 1991.
  25. Solem-Tishmack JK, McCarthy GJ, Docktor B, Eylands KE, Thompson JS, Hassett DJ. High-calcium coal combustion by-products: Engineering properties, ettringite formation, and potential application in solidification and stabilization of selenium and boron. Cement and Concrete Research 1995;25:658-70.
  26. Ramme BW, Tharaniyil M. Coal combustion products utilization handbook. We Energies; Milwaukee, WI: 2004.
  27. Taha R. Environmental and engineering properties of flue gas desulfurization gypsum. Transportation Research Record 1993;1424.
  28. Bin-Shafique MS, Benson CH, Edil TB. Geoenvironmental assessment of fly ash stabilized subbases. Geo Engineering Report No. 02-03, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Madison, WI: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; 2002.
  29. Cheng C-, Tu W, Zand B, Butalia TS, Wolfe WE, Walker H. Beneficial reuse of FGD material in the construction of low permeability liners: Impacts on inorganic water quality constituents. Journal of Environmental Engineering 2007;133(5):523-31.
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